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TactiCall VCS 空气 Traffic Control

TactiCall Voice Communication System (VCS) enables full-featured ground-air, air-ground and ground-ground communication, compliant with the latest international 空气 Traffic Control (ATC) standards.


Scalable architecture with low risk system upgrades
Multiple 空气port Operations for remote tower solutions
Best Signal selection & Dynamic delay compensation

所有 systems – one interface

The TactiCall VCS allows 空气 Traffic Service providers to address key challenges; increasing capacity and efficiency, reducing costs, and adapting to rapid technical evolution and upcoming requirements.

十大正规博彩网站评级为空中交通管制员配备了一个强大的用户友好的通信界面,提供增强的态势感知, 跨网络和虚拟化中心操作的协作工作和资源共享.

Robust and future proof

TactiCall VCS uses a highly resilient and distributed system architecture. 该体系结构旨在消除单点故障并维护关键通信服务的安全性. For a very high 可靠性.

所有系统部件可以独立更换或升级,不影响系统的正常运行. TactiCall VCS的可扩展性确保了通过新的VCS分区进行简单和经济高效的扩展, 控制器工作位置(CWP)和无线电没有性能下降.

Micro service Architecture

为了提高效率,TactiCall VCS使用基于容器的微服务架构构建, 可靠性, 以及软件开发生命周期的安全性,并简化部署和IT维护. Using industry standard Docker container technology, 每个容器化的应用程序和进程都是隔离的,并且独立于其他应用程序和进程运行.

These next-generation approaches, where containers, micro services and cloud computing are working together, 将TactiCall VCS和其他ATC应用带入了新的集成水平,同时提高了可靠性, security and maintenance.

Collaborative Working

完全基于IP的TactiCall VCS解决方案促进了虚拟控制中心, 网络无线电和控制中心之间的互操作性和协作性.

By having the control rooms separated from the infrastructure, 语音通信作为公共基础设施服务进行托管和操作, serving traditional towers, 远程塔和区域控制中心,无论其地理位置如何,在不影响安全的情况下.

此外,TactiCall VCS支持集中和动态空域控制的最新趋势. 对于数字远程塔台解决方案,我们的VCS系统能够处理多个机场.

Multiple Remote 空气port Operations

单个CWP (Controller Working Position)用户界面支持多个机场同时安全运行, 完全支持远程塔概念和多个远程塔位的高效运行.


CWP Integration

空中交通管制的位置经常挤满了显示器和输入设备. 控制器必须操作许多不同的ATC应用程序和HMI工作流, which can lead to loss of overview and errors. TactiCall VCS can be used traditionally as stand-alone, but can also be integrated with ATC automation systems, 例如数字塔解决方案,所有应用程序都可以从几个显示器访问-为控制器提供更有效和灵活的工作环境.



...just how flexible TactiCall is? Here are some interesting facts about our communication system.

  • Multiple airport operations for remote tower solution.
  • Duplicated power distribution for all VCS equipment.
  • Scalable architecture with low risk system upgrades.
  • Best signal selection & Dynamic delay compensation.


Can't find the answer to your questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.


联系 托本赫斯, Sales Director TactiCall VCS

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